Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Once Upon A Time...

Everything has to start with a beginning, not neccesarily have an end but let's see where this takes me.  I have wanted to start a blog for quite sometime but what to post, what to write, will it even have readers.  This are questions I have not yet come to answering.  I know I will write about random topics, rants and projects so don't ever expect a trend in anything!  A little about me, I'm a single mom.  That's almost an "enough said" statement but I work a full time job as well.  I'm a phelbotomist; "patient service technician" according to my company.....if you don't get the title you will still know what I'm talking about because most of the population at one point or another has had their blood drawn or had a drug screen.  Yes I draw blood, Yes it's strange and slightly disgusting in your eyes but I'm good at it.  Call me a vampire if you want, I have a personal fascination with fictional characters along with zombies, name it I love it!  I have a massive amount of interests so very little doesn't appeal to me. I'm nerdy when it comes to facts and statistics.  If I could be a student the rest of my life I would be satisfied.....learning is power!!!

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